Week of July 21, 2025 @ Husson University

Come for a week of professional learning fun focused on integrating Computer Science into K-12 classrooms. Participants pick a pathway to fit their experience and interests during this residential learning opportunity. CS Summer of Fun is hosted by Educate Maine and MMSA, with sessions facilitated by statewide professional learning providers and Maine educators.
Code.org Intensive
An intensive, highly supportive program with three different course options.
Grades 9-12 | Monday-Friday
Learn how to integrate CS practices & principles into your existing curriculum.
Grades K-12 | Monday-Thursday
CS Integration
A special pathway for administrators, curriculum coordinators, & educational leaders.
Wednesday & Thursday
Everyday AI
The Everyday AI project is built upon the Developing AI Literacy (DAILy) curriculum that interweaves AI concepts, ethics in AI, creativity with AI and AI career awareness.
Details & Logistics
Maine Educators: FREE + Stipend
Maine educators receive full scholarships that cover room and board at Husson University, and a stipend of $100 per day due to generous support from the Harold Alfond Foundation and Code.org.
Out-of-State Educators: $1,500
The cost for non-Maine residents includes room and board for the duration of the chosen pathway at Husson University or another hotel on or near campus. Scholarships may be available for some out-of-state educators participating in the Code.org pathway. If you select one of the Code.org pathways, Educate Maine will follow up on your application. Scholarships may be available. If we are unable to find a scholarship or grant to fund your PD, Educate Maine will invoice you or your district.